Monday, November 21, 2011

No Other God!

I wanted to share this with you. An amazing friend from church wrote this in reference to a worship song from church yesterday called "No God Like You". This is amazing, very true, and awe inspiring! Please enjoy, I sure did!
During worship this morning as we sang, “No God Like You”, I had a vision of several false gods lined up, you know, all the ones that the world worships:  Satan, Buddha, Allah, etc.  And then, I saw OUR GOD and was in absolute awe of His love, justice, compassion, grace, mercy & abounding favor!!  Then I began really meditating on the words we were singing: 
“There is no God like you, there is no other, no not another, there is no King, as faithful as you, there is no other, no not another God like you.”
 Think about it, church!!!  Which one of those false gods actually CARES about you?!?!  Which one of them protects you, opens doors of favor for you, reaches out to you when you’re hurting, is emotionally connected to you, is faithful even when you are not, blesses you when you deserve it least????  You want to know the answer?  NONE OF THEM!!!  
Only JESUS, the one and only true living God, our Prince of Peace & everlasting Savior can offer us these things.  WOW!!! He is not only capable of meeting your deepest needs, He actually WANTS TO!!  He’s waiting for us to surrender our hearts completely. 
This song has now become a prayer for me & I pray that it would for you, too. Go forth this week KNOWING that you are not alone and that GOD LOVES YOU LIKE NO OTHER!! 
Written by Deana Summers/Bethel Church, Chandler AZ

1 comment:

  1. So, I just moved to Lafayette, Louisiana and I now attend a church called Metro Life Church. I heard that song in church on Sunday. I have searched everywhere for this song, the closest I have gotten to those lyrics is this blog. Do you know anywhere else I can find this song?!
